363 Results
August 9, 1974 Rigby Star Newspaper article about Nori or Norihiko Yamada is a Japanese exchange student who spent the summer of 1973 at Kay and Ken Bare's house. Nori was a lot of fun, loved the open space, being able to hear "nothing", and being able to ride a bicycle (even on the gravel roads) without ever seeing anyone else. He said those things would be impossible in Osaka, Japan. He also really liked lemonade, something he had never before tasted.
Nori is now married with at least 2 kids, lives in Tokyo, and is a doctor.
Nori is now married with at least 2 kids, lives in Tokyo, and is a doctor.
Mud Lake, Idaho
Kim Bare and Tom Voorhees and all the parents at their wedding. Left to right: Kay Jernberg Bare, Kenneth Bare, Kim Bare, Thomas Richard Voorhees, Gladys Storm Sampson (Tom's mother), Del Sampson, Richard Voorhees (Tom's dad), and Shirley Voorhees.
Richard hired caterers for the day and there were more bottles of champagne than people at the wedding, so the champagne NEVER stopped flowing. Anyone else notice 12 year old Kraig Bare in the background holding a champagne glass? (It was not given to him by a family member adult, but was probably given to him by one of the caterers who ended up more plastered than anyone else at the wedding.)
Richard hired caterers for the day and there were more bottles of champagne than people at the wedding, so the champagne NEVER stopped flowing. Anyone else notice 12 year old Kraig Bare in the background holding a champagne glass? (It was not given to him by a family member adult, but was probably given to him by one of the caterers who ended up more plastered than anyone else at the wedding.)
October 11, 1975
Mercer Island Washington
Kim and Tom's wedding photo with Sampson in-laws: left to right, Michelle Sampson, Del Sampson (Tom's step-dad), Kim Bare, Thomas Voorhees, Gladys Storm Sampson (Tom's mom), Danielle Sampson, Faye Wing (Tom's sister-in-law at the time), and Gary Voorhees.
October 11, 1975
Mercer Island, Washington
Sitting at the table at some party at Ken and Kay's house are Danny Black, Kraig Bare, Patty Jernberg, and Scott Madison covering up his face. Ken Bare is standing in the background next to Kris Jernberg Rising, and Glen Munns is standing up at another table in the background. Doug Munns and Susan Munns are seated behind Ken. Grandma Cleo Jernberg is seated where Glen is standing and I think next to her is Coleen Munns.
1980 approx
Mud Lake, Idaho
Shem Bare with his grandpa Ken Bare at Christmas approx 1981.
approx 1981
Mud Lake, Idaho
A newspaper article about Kay Bare cooking for hungry teenagers. It talks about Paul Perez, the exchange student living with the Bares. He is in the photo with Kay Bare and Kliff Bare. The article says the Bare family drinks about 10 gallons of milk a week. It also features some of Kay's recipies and states "the people who suggested we feature Kay for her recipes indicate that she is a terrific cook".
April 3, 1981
Mud Lake, Idaho
Kim Bare and Kraig Bare with Kim's Great Dane Samson in front of Ken Bare's diesel gas tank painted like a Coor's Light beer can. Evidently making spirits has been a family tradition from the beginning.
Kim and Kraig painted the can .... well, actually Kim painted the can. It was Kraig's idea and he moved a tractor around and made a platform with boards on the stacker so she could paint.
Kim and Kraig painted the can .... well, actually Kim painted the can. It was Kraig's idea and he moved a tractor around and made a platform with boards on the stacker so she could paint.
Fall or early winter 1981